IVF Intralipid Infusion
Highgate Health offers intralipid infusions to support patients on their IVF journey with personalised care. Our directors, Belinda and James have gone through the IVF journey and ended up eventually with two amazing kids. They are are therefore very happy to offer Intralipid Infusions for patients.
Frequently Asked Questions
What steps do I need to take?
1. Complete Intralipid Questionnaire
2. Have a Bulk Billed Teleconsult with Belinda
3. Book in for Intralipid
What is the Cost?
Mon - Fri $470.00
Sat - $485.00
Do I need a referral?
No but will happily accept one
Do I need to provide the Intralipid?
No we included the Intralipid in our infusions costs
Is there a Medicare Rebate?
No there are no rebates available
How do I prepare for the infusion
Eat normally; Fasting is not required.
Make sure you are warm and well-hydrated.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
Continue taking your regular medications.
Be prepared for a small needle insertion in your arm or hand
Bring a snack with you the infusions takes 4-5 hours