Iron Infusion

white clouds during daytime

Frequently asked questions

Do I get a Medicare Rebate?

No - There is no item number for Iron Infusions with Medicare

Do I need a referral ?

No we do not require but happily accept any referrals

Do you provide iron infusions for pregnancy / children?

Yes we do. Children above 12 years old

What do I need to bring?

Recent blood results . within last 2 months
Medication unless we are providing for you

How much does it cost ?

Infusion Only
$165 Monday to Friday
$180 Saturdays

Highgate Health can provide the medication for a $30 service fee
plus the cost of iron medication.
Medicare PBS Script fee $31.60
Cost of Medication without Medicare PBS $300+ (depends on dose)

What can be the side effects?

Common (1 in 10):
Headache, dizziness, flushing, hypertension (high blood pressure), nausea, injection site reactions.

Uncommon (1 in 100):
Abdominal pain, vomiting, cramps, dyspnoea (breathing difficulties), arthralgia (joint pain), numbness, itching, rash, chest pain, diarrhoea, dizziness, fatigue, hypotension (low blood pressure), myalgia (muscle pain).

Rare (1 in 10,000):
Angioedema (swelling under the skin), reduced consciousness (drowsiness), anxiety, bronchospasm (narrowed airways)

Do all phamacies stock the iron medication.

No some have to order in. Please order in advance.

How do I prepare for the infusions
  • Eat normally; Fasting is not required.

  • Make sure you are warm and well-hydrated.

  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

  • Continue taking your regular medications.

  • Be prepared for a small needle insertion in your arm or hand.

  • Have your next of kin details available in case of an adverse reaction.

Can you provide infusions at home / in a nursing home?

Yes. Addtional charges apply please contact us (starts from $350)

How long does it take ?

The infusions takes 20 mins the whole appointment takes 1 hour

"Highgate Health is a pioneering Medical Centre, delivering personalised health solutions with compassion and excellence"